18ES51 Technological Innovation Management And Entrepreneurship syllabus for TE

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Module-1 Management 8 hours

Management: Nature and Functions ofManagement- Importance, Definition, Management Functions, Levels of Management, Roles of Manager, Managerial Skills, Management & Administration, Management as a Science, Art & Profession

(Selected topics of Chapter 1, Text 1).


Planning: Planning-Nature, Importance, Types, Steps and Limitations of Planning; Decision Making- Meaning, Types and Steps in Decision Making

(Selected topics from Chapters 4 & S, Text 1). L1,L2

Module-2 Organizing and Staffing 8 hours

Organizing and Staffing: Organization-Meaning, Characteristics, Process of Organizing, Principles of Organizing, Span of Management (meaning and importance only), Departmentalisation, Committees-Meaning, Types of Committees; Centralization Vs Decentralization of Authority and Responsibility; Staff"mg-Need and Importance, Recruitment and Selection Process

(Selected topics from Chapters 7, 8 & 11,Text 1).


Directing and Controlling: Meaning and Requirements ofEffective Direction, Giving Orders; Motivation-Nature of Motivation, Motivation Theories (Maslow's Need-Hierarchy Theory and Herzberg's Two Factor Theory); Communication - Meaning, Importance and Purposes of Communication; Leadership-Meaning, Characteristics, Behavioural Approach of Leadership; 93 Coordination-Meaning, Types, Techniques of Coordination; Controlling­ Meaning, Need for Control System, Benefits of Control, Essentials ofEffective Control System, Steps in Control Process.

(Selected topics from Chapters 15to 18and 9, Text 1). Ll,Ll

Module-3 Social Responsibilities of Business 8 hours

Social Responsibilities of Business: Meaning of Social Responsibility, Social Responsibilities ofBusiness towards Different Groups, Social Audit, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

(Selected topics from Chapter 3, Text 1).

Entrepreneurship: Definition ofEntrepreneur, Importance ofEntrepreneurship, concepts of Entrepreneurship, Characteristics of successful Entrepreneur, Classification of Entrepreneurs, Myths of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development models, Entrepreneurial development cycle, Problems faced by Entrepreneurs and capacitybuilding for Entrepreneurship

(Selected topics from Chapter 2, Text 2). Ll,L2

Module-4 Family Business 8 hours

Family Business: Role and Importance ofFamily Business, Contributions of Family Business in India, Stages of Development of a Family Business, Characteristics of a Famity-owned Business in India, Various types of fumily businesses

(Selected topics from Chapter 4,(Page 71-75) Text 2).


Idea Generation and Feasibility Analysis- Idea Generation; Creativity and Innovation; Identification of Business Opportunities; Market Entry Strategies; Marketing Feasibility; FinancialFeasibilities; Political Feasibilities; Economic Feasibility; Social and Legal Feasibilities; Technical Feasibilities; Managerial Feasibility, Location and Other Utilities Feasibilities.

(Selected topics from Chapter 6(Page No. 111-117) & Chapter 7(Page No. 140-142), Text 2) Ll,L2

Module-5 Business model 8 hours

Business model- Meaning, designing, analyzing and improvising; Business Plan - Meaning, Scope and Need; Financial, Marketing, Human Resource and Production/Service Plan; Business plan Formats; Project report preparation and presentation; Why some Business Plan fails?

(Selected topics from Chapter 8 (Page No 159-164, Text 2)


Financing and How to start a Business? Financial opportunity identification; Banking sources; Nonbanking Institutions and Agencies; Venture Capital - Meaning and Role in Entrepreneurship; Government Schemes for funding business; Pre launch, Launch and Post launch requirements; Procedure for getting License and Registration; Challenges and Difficulties in Starting an Enterprise

(Selected topics from Chapter 7(Page No 147-149), Chapter 5(Page No 93-99) & Chapter 8(Page No. 166-172) Text 2)


Project Design and Network Analysis: Introduction, Importance ofNetwork Analysis, Origin ofPERT and CPM, Network, Network Techniques, Need for Network Techniques, Steps in PERT, CPM, Advantages, Limitations and Differences.

(Selected topics from Chapters 20, Text 3). Ll,L2,L3


Course Outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the fundamental concepts of Management and Entrepre­ neurship and opportunities in order to setup a business

2. Identify the various organizations' architecture

3. Describe the functions of Managers, Entrepreneurs and their social responsibilities

4. Understand the components in developing a business plan

5. Recognize the various sources of funding and institutions supporting entrepreneurs.



1. Principles of Management - P.C Tripathi, P.N Reddy, McGraw Hill Education, fYhEdition, 2017. ISBN-13:978-93-5260-5354.

2 Entrepreneurship Development Small Business Enterprises- Poomima MCharantimath, Pearson Education 2008, ISBN 978-81-7758-260-4.

3. Dynamics ofEntrepreneurial Development and Management byVasant Desai. HPH 2007, ISBN: 978-81-8488-801-2.

4. Robert D. Hisrich, Mathew J. Manimala, Michael PPeters and DeanA. Shepherd, ''Entrepreneurship", S1h Edition, Tata Mc-Graw HillPublishing Co.Ltd.- New Delhi, 2012


Reference Book:

1. Essentials of Management: An International, Innovation and Leadership perspective by Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich McGraw Hill Education, I01h Edition 2016. ISBN- 978-93-392-2286-4.


Last Updated: Tuesday, January 24, 2023