VTU ME 6 Semester 2017 scheme CBCS syllabus

Finite Element Analysis Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME61

View VTU Finite Element Analysis 17ME61 CBCS Syllabus

A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Computer integrated Manufacturing Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME62

View VTU Computer integrated Manufacturing 17ME62 CBCS Syllabus

Heat Transfer Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME63

View VTU Heat Transfer 17ME63 CBCS Syllabus

Computational Fluid Dynamics Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME651

View VTU Computational Fluid Dynamics 17ME651 CBCS Syllabus

Mechanics of Composite Materials Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME652

View VTU Mechanics of Composite Materials 17ME652 CBCS Syllabus

Metal Forming Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME653

View VTU Metal Forming 17ME653 CBCS Syllabus

Tool Design Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME654

View VTU Tool Design 17ME654 CBCS Syllabus

Automobile Engineering Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME655

View VTU Automobile Engineering 17ME655 CBCS Syllabus

Energy Auditing Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME661

View VTU Energy Auditing 17ME661 CBCS Syllabus

Industrial Safety Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME662

View VTU Industrial Safety 17ME662 CBCS Syllabus

Maintenance Engineering Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME663

View VTU Maintenance Engineering 17ME663 CBCS Syllabus

Total Quality Management Syllabus

Subject Code :17ME664

View VTU Total Quality Management 17ME664 CBCS Syllabus

Heat Transfer Lab Syllabus

Subject Code :17MEL67

View VTU Heat Transfer Lab 17MEL67 CBCS Syllabus

Modeling and Analysis Lab(FEA) Syllabus

Subject Code :17MEL68

View VTU Modeling and Analysis Lab(FEA) 17MEL68 CBCS Syllabus